Sunday, February 14, 2010

“We have art to save ourselves from the truth.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Day 43

I went to see the lab show tonight. I'm not going to critique it, because like I said before, I'm not going to "bad-mouth" actors, even if it could be helpful. But I'll talk about the whole idea of working with a new show.

I've had the lucky opportunity to work with a lot of new scripts. 7 to be exact. Which is really awesome. It is a blessing and a curse when getting to work with a new script. It's awesome because you get to create a role in its purest form. No one has touched it! You get to go in whatever direction you want to. And you set the standard for that part. Anybody that performs that role after you is just following in your footsteps, no matter how different they make the role. It's an amazing feeling to know. On the other hand, there's a lot of freedom that sometimes becomes overwhelming. There have been a couple of times where I hit a roadblock because I didn't know which direction to go with my character. There are so many possibilities and it gets to you sometimes.

I enjoy working with original scripts a lot. A lot more than doing classical plays, that's for sure. I suggest that every actor should work with an original script at least once in their career, and I think that if you are serious about acting you'll probably work on these projects more than once. It's a good acting experience.

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