Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Love the art in yourself, not yourself in the art"- Stanislavski

Day 42

Another interesting Theatre History conversation we had in class on Thursday. We started getting into Realism and Modernsim, and then we started discussing Stanislavski and his acting method. Our professor told us that this was pretty much the first time the acting method was written out and is the basis for modern acting today. It's interesting because our school is Stanislavski based. We are getting a little bit of Meisner, but good ole Stan is the main focus at this school. It was interesting to read his book last year for my previous princples II class. There's a lot of his info that is almost common sense stuff that you do while acting and don't even realize it. Then there's a lot of stuff, like how we basically have to re-learn how to do everything on a stage to make it natural. That's true though, because there are so many times that doing something like, eating a cookie can turn into a full out production when you're doing it in a show.

I enjoy The Method. If I had to categorize myself as a specific type of actor, it would be Method. I don't like to limit myself to that though. I really want to learn all the different styles. I like to take things that really work for me and use them, so I don't necessarily label myself as one specific style. We really don't get the chance to learn other styles,, which I think is a detriment to us in the long-run. I would give anything to just do a week with Viewpoints, or something like that. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the method, I just want to branch out sometimes.

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