Thursday, February 4, 2010

“The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.” - Robert M. Hutchins

Day 33

I had to write an essay for my education class about teaching, since I'm getting an education minor and taking education classes. One of the questions was about why I think my field of teaching is important to a student's education. It's probably not the best because I wrote it in like 5 min, but it's got some good ideas. Here's what I wrote:

I think my area of teaching (theatre) is one of the best areas to truly educate children. Theatre isn’t tested on through a state standardized test. I, as a teacher, am not required to teach to any test. That, more than anything, gives me the freedom to teach what I feel would be most beneficial to my students. Theatre encompasses so many different areas of education, it’s astounding. You learn about history, science, music, art, English, math, and many, many more subjects through plays. It also is culturally informative because you get the chance to learn about different societies and cultures that are portrayed through different plays. Theatre also prepares students for the real world. You learn how to work with others, manage your time, be confident in what you do, deal with deadlines, and so many other things all through working on a play. Theatre not only educates the mind, it also educates the soul. You get to observe human behavior at its purest form and try to recreate it on a stage. You get to feel empathy for the fallen hero or rage for the evil villain. And through portraying different characters and observing others, you learn a lot about yourself as a person. Being a teenager is challenging enough, but when you are involved in theatre, you are given that extra time during the day to learn more about yourself that you didn’t know through taking a test or studying for an exam. Theatre can play a crucial role in the education of children.

So, there's my two cents about that :)

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