Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 49

So next year's season was posted, which surprised the hell out of me because last year it didn't happen until after Spring Break. They didn't eve tell us they were going to announce it. So it just randomly appeared on the callboard today and shocked everyone. And, guess what??? No one's suggestions were in the season! Surprise Surprise! Thumbs down Tech, thumbs down.

The shows are a mixture of really awesome and "WTF???" shows. "Equus" would definitely be a WTF show. It's our classical play for the year, but everyone heard that it would be a Shakespeare show, so this one is quite a shocker. And the fact that there is nudity involved makes it even more interesting. I'm not sure how the general West Texas audience is going to react the full-frontal nudity, or if they'll even keep it in the show. We're also doing "Footloose" for our musical, which disappoints me a lot. When I think of "Footloose" I think of Kevin Bacon and horrible high school productions. We could have done so many other awesome musicals! Urinetown? Reefer Madness? [title of show]? Batboy? But let's do the 80's version of "Grease" that every big high school has done at least twice. Just disappointing.

Now, on the other hand, we're doing "Anton in Showbusiness" which is a 6 female only comedy. Three of those roles play multiple characters. This is my kind of show. This is the one show next year that I am going to work on to make. I will be really disappointed in myself if I don't.

I'm very anxious to see the lab season too. I feel like I really only have a legitimate shot at one mainstage show, maybe 2, so the lab shows are my only other chances. One of the shows I heard that might be considered would be super fun, so i hope that it gets chosen. It probably won't because it's kind of racy, but we'll see. I'm already ready for next year.

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