Saturday, January 9, 2010

The thing you gotta know is everything is showbiz!

Day 9

I'm not a big resolutions person. I've actually been a lot better this year with my resolutions, however. I've already done 2 of them, but I've dropped one. Story of my life...two steps forward, one step back. Anyways, one of my resolutions is to read more plays. There are so many reasons why I need to read plays. The first one would be that it's the best way to find monologues. I hate finding monologues last minute because I'm never satisfied with what I find. It's those moments when I read a play and read a monologue that's perfect for me that I feel great! And's it's so much more legitamate than going online or looking through a monologue book. Not that I'm judging people who do, because I do and have done that a lot. But it's not a good habbit, and I need to break it!

Another reason is because I'm an undegrad and soooooooooo green when it comes to classic plays. I've read quite a bit of plays, but I haven't had the chance to read the classics! I've read some, but I feel like I need to know where theatre has evolved from and what has made it what it is today. I'm not a big classic fan, which I guess might be because I've been practically raised in modern theatre. But I think I need to know what has been done before so I can break the rules.

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