Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start

Day 1

This is my first, big New Year's resolution. This blog. I have another acting one that kind of died off, but this one is going to be different. I've learned from the last one and have developed this new one for me and my new year.

Here's the general gist: This blog is called Project Actor365 because as a famous,old, and crazy Mexican actor once told a group of aspiring actors/directors/playwrights/technicians/stage have be in it 7 days a week. You have to live, breathe, eat, sleep, and make sweet, sweet love to the art of acting (or your respective field). Inspired by that sentiment, I am starting this blog as a project in which I can constantly work on my craft 7 days a week. I plan to write a blog dealing with some sort of aspect of acting and theatre every day for a full year!

Ta da!!! It's as simple as that!

...or really it's a daunting task when I think about it. It was hard for me to keep up with my other one, much less one that I have to attend to every day. But i think this will help me to keep up with a type of acting journal that I've always tried to do for my acting classes. And, if not, at least it's a little entry into the mind of a struggling theatre student.

Here are some of my ground rules:

*I have to write a blog every day
*It has to deal with only theatre-y things. No venting about how life sucks unless it ties into a theatre-y thing.
*No bad-mouthing anyone I know. I have a bad habit of critiquing everything that I see, and while I think it's a skill you have to have, I don't want this blog to be about that. I don't think it's fair to use this as a weapon of mass critiquing since we are all learning and growing. BUT, all those Hollywood actors are fair game, because let's face it, half of them can't act anyway :)
*If I complete this by December 31, 2010 I have to buy myself something extra cool that is theatre-y....another incentive if you will.

I think that about does it. I know the likely hood of anyone other than myself reading this is slim to none, but maybe I can reach at least one person. It's that whole [title of show] "9 people's favorite thing than 100 people's ninth favorite thing" type of crap I guess. But most importantly this is for me. I need something to keep my love for theatre a-going. I apologize in advance if this isn't what you think; if I'm not prolific enough or have enough puns to satisfy your craving.

This is all me, Christina Jones: student, actress, and self-deprecating fool. Here's to the start of a good year!

1 comment:

KYLE (K_REY_C) said...

Good luck. I'll be reading.

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