Monday, January 25, 2010

Everything's coming up roses for me and for you!

Day 23

I just finished watching a cabaret performance by a theatre alumni who is making a living in Chicago. It was a really fantastic show. He was hilarious, and I loved being able to sit there and enjoy all these theatre songs he sang. I was proud of myself because I knew about 80% of the songs he sang! That's pretty damn good! lol

But I went through so many emotions since he's been here. He gave a master class Friday afternoon about the things he wish he knew after he graduated. he started talking about finances and jobs and equity and auditions and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It was so much information that I didn't even consider really. I felt so overwhelmed after the class, and started questioning why the hell I am trying to do this. FYI, I go through this back and forth battle pretty much every moment of every day. I love theatre so much, but the logistics of making a living solely on it is out there.

But I digress...

Then I saw his performance tonight and thought to myself...Hey! He was in the same place I'm in right now, and he made it! He's doing what he loves to do! Why can't I be that person too? I don't want fame and fortune (but it would be nice), I just want to act. And my goal is to be able to act professionally without having another job. I'm not happy making drinks at Starbucks or sitting at a desk for 9 hours...but I will do that if it means I can act at night! Those are only stepping stones to what I really want to do. I have no idea how I'm going to get there, or if I even can get there, but I'm going to try my damnedest to do it. It might be in Dallas, or Austin, or Chicago, or New York City! I'm going to aim big because I only get one life, and I don't want to ask myself "What if?"

No what if's...just can do's

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