Friday, January 8, 2010

I just want someone to love me....for my MONEY!

Day 8

Shit. One week in and I already miss one. But, to my defense, it was a very busy day. So I'll make it up with two posts. This one will be good. I can't make the same promise for my second one.

It was announced yesterday that Norbert Leo Butz is going to be the lead in the West End transfer of "Enron: The Musical". I have heard of this musical, but I don't know what it's about; however, the fact that Norbert Leo Butz is going to be in it makes me uber uber excited. He is one of my idols of the Broadway stage. For those who don't know who this man is, he is probably most famous for being the original Fiero in "Wicked". He has also been in "The Last Five Years" and "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels". He had a small supporting role in the Steve Carrel movie "Dan in Real Life" as one of his brothers. Anyways, I love him to death and here is why:

For my 18th birthday my parents gave my tickets to see the touring cast of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" in Dallas. Cool, right? But to make it even cooler, Norbert Leo Butz was touring with the cast! I liked him since I was a freshman in high school, so I was ecstatic! Getting to see a Broadway actor in his Tony winning performance is awesome! So we went and heard on the radio that it was his last stop, and we saw the last show Sunday afternoon. I got to see his last performance in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" EVER. And let me tell you, he delivered. It was one of those performances where you are just awestruck the entire time. He could sing, he was hilarious.....gah. There are really only a handful of performances that I've seen that I've been completely blown away by, and his was one of them. There are just no words to describe it. Youtube that shit.

So, needless to say he is one of my Broadway idols. I was hoping to catch him in "Catch Me if You Can" but since it's not coming to Broadway until the fall I won't get to see him again :( It's ok though. He'll be amazing in anything he does.

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