Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I found a hobby out in the lobby!

Day 19

Today I had my first observation class for my education minor. We had to fill out a "Get to know you" paper with all the usual questions. One of the questions asked what your hobbies were. I looked at it for a bit and wrote the usual "theatre" answers. Then I tried to think of other things I could put...but I couldn't come up with anything. It could be because it was 7:30 in the morning. I'd like to think it was that, but I know it's not really.

I've dedicated my whole life to only theatre. I live it. I breathe it. But it scares me a bit because I wonder if I should try more. Different hobbies besides things that involve some sort of theatre aspect to it. I used to play basketball all the time, but I got burned out on that real quick. I'm worried that the same thing might happen with me and theatre. I hope that since it's different shows and so much to learn that it won't happen, but I can't be sure. I really don't know what else I could do that doesn't involve an insane amount of time.

A professor of mine talked about the importance of surrounding yourself in all different kinds of art forms to keep yourself knowledgeable yet inspired. I've seen and done a lot more of these different art forms, but not as much as I should. I need to devote more time to the other aspects of art to get other perspectives.

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