Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 60

2 month mark! Whoooohoooo! Maybe I can eventually keep up with this and not have to do makeup posts. Just maybe...

In Principles today we talked about stuff that went on this weekend, mostly ACTF. Our professor made a remark about a quote someone said. I tried to find it online, but you try typing in "quote about theatre and manure"....but the basic gist of it was that we, as avid theatre goers, see a lot of shows. And because of this, we see a majority of awful shows, AKA "manure". The guy he quoted said that even though we see the bad shows a lot, we have to learn to appreciate the "manure".

Now, thinking more about it, I'm a little confused about the whole thing. I'll spread my thoughts out on here. There could be a lot of things that he's saying. One aspect I see is that we need to appreciate the bad theatre because it gives us a chance to see what is bad and appreciate the good a lot more. I guess it's the whole thought process of going through a traumatic experience, and when you pull through it you appreciate life and what it has to offer a lot more. I guess when I see a string of bad shows, it makes the next good show I see a lot better. And it makes me appreciate when good theatre does happen.

OR, he could be saying learn to see the good parts in even the worst of shows. It is usually extremely rare that there isn't at least one redeeming quality to a show. It could be the worst thing you've ever seen, but there could be an actor who does really well, or the set looks really cool. Maybe he's telling us to not be so pessimistic about every viewing experience. I wrote before about how I critique the hell out of every show I watch, even if I enjoyed it a lot. I'm a big negative nancy when it comes to stuff like that. I guess this would be the opposite of that. I know I need to be able to identify the good aspects of a show as well, because there has to be something.

I don't know. It's an interesting thought process.

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