Monday, January 18, 2010

Let go. Jump in. What you waiting for? It's alright, cause there's beauty in the breakdown

Day 18

It's so funny to see what little things can inspire you. Or even how they just hit you at such random moments. Today I had that moment of inspiration.

I was just wondering around the house, trying to enjoy my day off. I had finished my homework and wasn't really doing anything. I went outside for a bit and realized how nice it was outside. Not too cold, not too hot, just really almost perfect. I sat outside for a bit and just sat. I saw the clouds moving by, and the sun was beautifully positioned behind some clouds, barely peeking through. There were like 40 birds perched on the telephone wire next to the house across the alley. And geese were flying like crazy overhead. It was magnificent. I just sat there forever watching and taking it all in. It made me realize how beautiful nature really is.

And the creative juices just started flowing. I started thinking about theatre and acting and just about everything. Being so peaceful and calm gets you in the right state of mind. And it makes you so optimistic about everything. At that moment I wasn't dealing with homework or monologues or work or outside was just me and nature. I finally focused my wandering mind on one specific thing: play writing. This is one aspect of theatre that I'm interested in and wish that I could have the time and talent to do well. I enjoy writing a lot. I may not be very good at it, but I think I have a voice of my own, which is half the battle, right? But I know really the only way to get better is to just write. So that's what I did. I took an idea that I've had for a play and just wrote.

I'll discuss my play in a later blog because this one is about inspiration. But I just wanted to express the importance of finding that inspiration and going with it. It's hard to pinpoint when it happens, but once you get's just incredible! I hope I can have more moments like these.

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