Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I guess I'll just sit back and wait and see what kind of girl is she?

Day 25

I may have found a way to get out of my funk, for a while at least. When New Years was here and I came up with the idea for this blog, I also wanted to get a new haircut and start working out regularly. I did the first 2, but really didn't jump on the band wagon for the other one. My purpose was to not only lose weight and get body parts looking nicer, but just to get in shape again. I feel if I work out and get in shape, I can last through a lot more physical activity onstage. And I do dub myself a physical comedy actor, so I need to be in the best shape to do that.

And I think it will be a great way for me to get out of my funk. The actor's body is their most important tool. I think Stanislavki actually says that. So I can do this for personal reasons, but also as something that helps me as an actor. And it's something that I really haven't done before. I used to play basketball in high school and was in the best shape of my life. I played 40 minute games without getting exhausted. I could run til my life depended on it. And I used that to the extreme when we did physical plays at my high school like "Paganini" in commedia style. And it probably kept me from getting injuries worse than the actors around me. There have been a couple of shows where I just am exhausted and breathing heavily after it's all said and done. "Phallus Pan" was definitely one of those shows. I would have to take a nap after if I wanted to go out after because it was so physically and emotionally draining. I know they say you are supposed to be exhausted if you have given it your all during a show, but I would like to be able to not tire so quickly.

I'm not going to lie, I'm doing this for personal reasons as well. But I think I've burnt myself out a little bit on theatre and theatre-y things. Maybe this is God, or whoever is in charge of the world, trying to give me the time off to just take some personal me time. I'm keeping up with homework and having actual free time on my hands. Like I said before, I don't want to just sit around and watch tv all night...so maybe this is the next best thing. Getting my body in shape and ready to make it through a performance without the drop of a hat!

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